Monday, April 1, 2013

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Israeli believers see Yeshua in Passover

Israeli believers see Yeshua in Passover

Today, families throughout the Land of Israel and around the world are celebrating the 7th and final day of Passover, commemorating deliverance from slavery in Egypt over 3,000 years ago.
Passover is also the celebration of the birth of Israel as a nation.

In the Book of Exodus, the Bible gives details of Israel’s deliverance from bondage as the result of the Lord sending 10 plagues upon Egypt, including the final plague, resulting in the death of all of Egypt’s first-born.
The Lord instructed Moses to have the families of the children of Israel kill a lamb without spot or blemish, and then apply the lamb’s blood to the top and side door posts of their homes.
They received further instructions to stay in their homes until morning as the Lord smote the Egyptians. The destroyer would pass over the homes that applied the blood of the lamb, sparing the lives of the children of Israel.
For Israeli Messianic believers, the Passover foreshadows the death of Yeshua (Jesus) as an eternal sacrifice for the sins of all, an aspect that is added to the Passover story in the haggadah (Passover service book) used in Messianic households throughout the land.

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