Saturday, April 5, 2014

ဂါဇာကို အစၥေရလ္...ဗံုးႀကဲ....!

Israel Responds to Gaza Rocket Fire

The Gaza border region remains restless, as Palestinian terrorists operating out of the coastal enclave fired three rockets into southern Israel overnight.

At 9:20 PM Thursday evening, the air raid sirens in the Sha'ar Hanegev region howled once again, sending local residents scrambling for their bomb sheltes.
The rockets all landed in open areas, causing no damage or injuries.
Israel's Air Force responded by bombing five terrorist installations in Gaza, among them a Hamas military outpost and several positions used for firing rockets into Israel.
The situation in the south escalated significantly last month when Gaza-based terrorists fired dozens of rockets at cities and towns in southern Israel. Israel responded strongly to those attacks, leading Hamas and its allied terror groups to declare a ceasefire, a ceasefire that apparently wasn't all that serious.
Israel has also deployed two "Iron Dome" anti-missile systems in the southern regions regularly targeted by Gaza rocket crews. The Iron Dome has succeeded in downing numerous missiles, but is only activated when its radar systems indicate enemy projectiles will hit residential areas.

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