Sunday, July 10, 2011


124 Refused Entrance to Israel, Jailed

Tammuz 7, 5771, 09 July 11 10:33
by Maayana Miskin

(Israelnationalnews.com) Hundreds of anti-Israel activists arrived at Ben Gurion International Airport on Friday as part of a “fly in flotilla.” Border officials refused to grant 124 of them entrance, and they were brought to Givon and Ela prisons to await deportation.

Those refused entrance – citizens of Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, Holland, and the United States – were on a list sent out to airports in advance of the planned fly-in. Another 200 of those whose names were on the list were prevented from boarding planes to Israel.

Many others successfully entered Israel. From there, some continued to a Palestinian Authority-controlled region of Samaria, where they joined a riot in the village of Nabi Salah during which they clashed with Israeli troops.

Others are believed to have taken part in a second riot, near the Kalandia checkpoint outside Jerusalem.

The “fly in” and Nabi Salah demonstration were both meant to protest in favor of the PA demand that millions of descendants of Arabs who fled pre-state Israel in the 1940s be offered Israeli citizenship.
The Interior Ministry decided Saturday to allow the entry to Israel of four of the 124 people who were detained, according to Kol Yisrael government radio. The two German men and two citizens of Holland were determined to have come to Israel with no intention of breaking the law.
Video - Local leftist activists arrested as they try to protest and greet the "fly in flotilla":

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