Wednesday, July 20, 2011

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Ayalon Makes Israel's Case for Judea and Samaria
Deputy foreign minister makes Israel's case in a YouTube
video that uses animation, wry humor, and clear
fact-based arguments.
(Gavriel Queenann)
Deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon has narrated a video on YouTube, where he   presents the truth of Judea and Samaria with animated aids.

In the video Ayalon answers the use of such terms as "West Bank," "occupied territories," and "1967-lines," and makes Israel's case in clear, factual terms without equivocation.
Ayalon says Judea and Samaria were taken from the occupying Jordanians during a defensive war and therefore the "settlements" are legal.
"The idea behind the creation of the video is distributed in an innovative way and explains the Israeli position in fighting unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state," Ayalon said.
"Israel's argument based on facts get lost in the headlines and pictures. The challenge is to adjust the message to the medium and nature of the online world," he added.
The video is an English-language version of an earlier Hebrew-language video, produced in cooperation with international organization StandWithUs, and is presented with subtitles in several languages, including Arabic, Spanish, French, Russian, German and Hebrew.

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