Friday, October 7, 2011

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Study: Israel the World’s Third Largest Supplier of Arms

U.S. study finds that as of 2010, Israel has become the third country
in the world in exporting arms.
Elad Benari
A U.S. study has found that in 2010 Israel became the third largest country in the world which exports arms.
The results of the study, entitled “Supply of Arms to Developing Countries from 2003 to 2010,” were presented on Wednesday on Arutz Sheva’s new Russian website.
Richard Grimmett, who conducted the study, said that in recent years Israel managed to beat out the major suppliers of arms such as Britain, China, France and Italy.
“There is no doubt that the Israelis play a significant role in the global arms trade and are regularly ranked at the top levels of arms sales,” he said.
Between the years 2005 and 2008, Israeli companies signed contracts worth $5.3 billion, according to the Congressional Research Service.
The Israeli Defense Ministry confirmed that the defense industry signed export contracts worth $6.3 billion in 2008 and added that contracts valued at $20.3 billion have been signed in the last four years.

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