Sunday, October 16, 2011

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Israel begins processing Palestinian prisoners to be freed in Shalit deal

The prisoners are scheduled to undergo checks in the Ketziot prison, near the border with Egypt, and in the Sharon facility in central Israel; swap expected to take place on Tuesday.

By Haaretz and DPATags: Gilad ShalitShalit swapHamasPalestiniansGaza

Israel early Sunday began transferring Palestinian prisoners to jails in the south and center of the country to prepare for the high-profile swap which will see the release of captive Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit, Israel Radio reported.
The swap is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, a week after a deal was sealed between Israel and Hamas to free the soldier in exchange for 1,027 Palestinian prisoners. Shalit has been held by militants in the Gaza Strip since he was abducted in a cross-border raid more than five years ago.
The prisoners are scheduled to undergo checks in the Ketziot prison, near the border with Egypt, and in the Sharon facility in central Israel.
Those returning to Gaza, will be going to Egypt first, from where they are scheduled to cross into the coastal enclave via the Rafah border crossing.
The Israel Prison Service overnight published on its website the list of prisoners it is to release on Tuesday in exchange for Shalit. The publication will allow for opponents of the deal to present petitions to Israel's High Court against its implementation.
Click here to see the full list of Palestinian prisoners set for release.
On Saturday evening, the files the Palestinian prisoners to be released were delivered to President Shimon Peres' residence so they can be approved for pardons.
Over the next two days, the files will be prepared for consideration by Peres. However, the signing of the pardons won't occur until the outcomes of the appeals against the swap deal are decided.

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