Saturday, August 24, 2013


Israel bombs Beirut following missile attack

Israeli warplanes bombed terrorist targets just south of the Lebanese capital of Beirut early Friday morning in response to a missile attack against northern Israel a day earlier.

The Israeli military confirmed the retaliatory strike, but did not provide details regarding the target.
On Thursday afternoon, four missiles were fired from southern Lebanon at northern Israel. One of the missiles was intercepted by Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system. Another narrowly landed near a residential area, narrowly missing a meeting of Holocaust survivors.
Residents of towns along Israel's northern coast reported hearing air raid sirens and loud explosions. Most living in the area are aware of what to do in such a situation, and immediately took cover in the nearest bomb shelter.
The missiles are believed to have originated from a Palestinian refugee camp in the Lebanese coastal city of Tyre. A terror group affiliated with Al Qaeda claimed credit for the attack, but Israel said that ultimately it holds the Lebanese government responsible.

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