Russia blames West and Syria's neighbours for bloodshed
By Denis
SOCHI, Russia, July 28 (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
warned on Saturday that international support for Syrian rebels would lead to
"more blood" and the government could not be expected to willingly give in to
its opponents.
Lavrov, whose country has vetoed three U.N. Security Council resolutions
intended to increase pressure on Syria's government to end 16 months of
violence, said Western and Arab nations should exert more influence on rebels to
stop fighting.
He said "tragedy" could be imminent in the Syrian city of Aleppo, but
indicated rebels would be at least partly to blame.
"Pressure must be put on everyone," Lavrov said at a joint news conference
with Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba after talks in the Black Sea
resort of Sochi, President Vladimir Putin's summer base.
"Unfortunately, our Western partners prefer to do something a bit different
and essentially, along with some countries neighbouring Syria, encourage,
support and direct the armed fight against the regime," he said.
"The price of all this is still more blood."
In the wake of the Security Council vetoes by Russia and China, the United
States has said it will seek ways to trackle the crisis outside the U.N.
Gemba said it was "very serious moment" in Syria and it was primarily up to
the government to stop the bloodshed.
"The position of the Russian side has great influence, and there is also the
voice of the international community. We are counting on a constructive Russian
position," he said, speaking through an interpreter.
Lavrov said Russia was calling on the government to "take the first steps"
but that the rebels should not take advantage of any such government actions by
occupying cities and towns.
"The city of Aleppo is occupied by the armed opposition and the next tragedy
is brewing there, as I understand it," he said.
"Well-armed opposition groups are occupying cities, intending to create some
sort of buffer zones for a transitional government. How can one expect that the
Syrian government will say, 'Yes, go ahead, overthrow me,'" he said.
"This is unrealistic - not because we are holding onto the regime but because
it just doesn't work," he said.
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