Missile defense
during Gaza op cost NIS 100MMinister Dichter says
Israel must make sure West Bank not 'contaminated' with improved military
capabilities of Gaza, Lebanon terrorists Yoav Zitun
"The firing of the Iron
Dome system's rocket-intercepting missiles during Operation
Pillar of Defense cost the State NIS 100 million (about $27 million)," Home
Front Defense Minister Avi Dichter revealed on Thursday.
US Sends Muslim Brotherhood’s Morsi 20 F-16 Warplanes
Egypt’s unstable Muslim Brotherhood regime, voted into power on an anti-US and anti-Israel platform, is to receive 20 F-16 fighter jets.
By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
First Publish: 12/11/2012, 12:17 PM
US Air Force F-16
Official US Department of Defense photo
Egypt’s increasingly unstable Muslim Brotherhood regime, voted into power on an anti-US and anti-Israel platform, is about to receive 20 F-16 fighters jets despite calls to suspend arms sales to Cairo, Fox News reported Tuesday.